Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Negative Mindedness of some Rural Folks.

Any undertaking, be it carried out singly or corporately, is first envisioned. The processes of crystallizing the vision may be brought through a casual poser presented in a yet casual discussion amongst creative-minded friends, be they family members. Not so long time ago, I posed again in some likewise manner the idea of rearing local mountain goats, kambing boar, and the like, in the under-utilized Tolungan Native and Grazing Reserve on a Registered Co'operative Venture or by any other arrangements to yet another group of known industrious kampung folks. One immediately sprang up a reaction, (translated) "Cannot be done!. Impossible!,". In his own words, "Au milo! Mustahil!". This negative reaction was echoed, as if clamoring for support, by a few others present. When I pressed for reasons as to why they were extremely skeptical about it, then they grouped for justifications for their negativity. Foremost in their minds was to first take pride in registering some negative objections to something new. I sensed that some of these people presumed it was heroic to simply object. Understandably, though, this was one of the few lines of human nature. I shared with them that to some positive-minded groups of individuals, they might already be thinking of munching roasted goat ribs-meat on hearing such a poser. Is it really long ... a span of 1000 years?

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