His contracting work experiences started with the subcontract works in the initial building of the Kasigui-Madsizang road during the no-no 50/60 era. No machines, the like of earthmoving equipments, were then in sight. The earth road works was worked simply by manual works using changkols and animals and people. The secret to the success of the works completions is in the crowd of people working. This man had the crowd and he was the envy of the other subcontract contenders. That was in the past. Then there came following the Malaysia development awakening era. Development allocations were managed by the District Office of which the district officer is the pivotal player.
Over a long period of time the following works were successfully executed to the satisfaction of the people in authority concerned.
Supplying Works
1. The extracting and supply of river stones to a main contract holder supplying stones for the airport construction.
Earth Road & Gravel Road Construction
1. The stretch from the Maternity Home to Kg. Penampang, via Kg. Kambau;
2. The stretch from Pekan Inamam main road roundabout to Kg. Laut.
3. Repair to an existing earth road and the construction of a cattle grid to a road in Dontozidon area.
4. Earth road Babagon/Kolosunan
5. Bridle path Babagon to Buayan
1. Bangunan Pasar in Kasigui
2. Bangunan Pasar in Donggongon
3. Classroom blocks for SK Likas
4. Classroom blocks for SK Petagas
3. Classroom blocks for SKTansau
6. Classroom blocks for SK Tombovo
7. Classroom blocks for SK Sugud
8. Classroom blocks for SRKKolopis
9. Classroom blocks for SK Moyog
10.Classroom blocks for SK Terian
11.Classroom blocks for SK Buayan
11.Classroom blocks for SK Long-
12.supply of asbestos louvers window
Leaves for SMK St Michael's
13. Classroom blocks for SK Puuntuno Penampang
Suspension Bridges
1. Across Babagon river at kg Babagon
2. Across Babagon river at Kapur
3. Across Moyog river at Babagon
4. Across Moyog river at Kakaangan
5. Across Papar river at Buayan
6. Across Petagas river at kg Tanaki
The itemization of the above projects thus executed is done by grace and recall of memory and its truth is estimated to be as close to 95% in order
to truth and they are by no means according to chronological order to timing and award of works order..