KAN Emmanuel Tangit Kinajil was born on 18th October, 1918 in Penampang, Sabah. His parents, Gothlib Kinajil bin Motungkas and Nonita Siatang, were both of the Kadazandusun stock. He was born second in a family of five brother and one sister.He started his early primary schooling at St. Michael's School, Penampang, during the pre-world war II years, completing only Standard Three. Amongst the school teachers he had had the privilege to meet and be taught by were Encik Sulaiman, Encik John Goyopong, Rev. Fr. Anthoneson and Encik Samuel Majalang, to name but some.Prior to his leaving for Brunei to seek for employment with the Brunei Shell Petroleum, he had had a stint in the Kadazandusun traditional padi farming. When he was then under the employment of the BSP, he managed to save a considerable amount of money. He therefore headed for home after only three years being away. He continued to be a good farm help to his parent on his return home. He married beforethe WW2 broke out.After the war, he sought employment with the Harrison's & Crossfield inJesselton, and was successful ingaining the position of an Assistant Store Keeper, with one Mr. Fung as his immediate superior. He stayed in that employment for many years.In the early 1950s the Penampang District Officer, Mr. Pascho, formed his entourage to visit the far reaches and rims of the Penampang District. Those places included Kampung Tampasak, Kampung Tolungan, Kampung Babagon, Kampung Ponombiran, Kampung DSangai-Sangai and scores other Kampungs nearby. OKK Tan Ping Hing of the Penampang Native Court figured well in that entourage. He insisted taking along in that entourage one Emmanuel Tangit Kinajil, a relatively less known kampung icon at that time. But, OKK Tan Ping Hing saw great potential in that man. It was much said, especially in years later, that it was during this Penampang District Officer's official visit to Kampung Babagon that Emmanuel Tangit Kinajil was interview and appointed as the Orang Tua (Ketua Kampung) of Kampung Babagon and other kampungs around with OKK Tan Ping Hing's full recommendations.As a Ketua Kampung one of the early efforts which KK Emmanuel Tangit Kinajil initiated for the benefits of the kampung people and future generation of the area was the establishment of the Tolungan Native and Grazing Reserve which area was in the region of 315 acres. Another significant effort which he had established was a kampung vernacular school with the hope that the youing people at that time could read and write the Kadazan/Dusun language. The Native Voluntary School, Babagon, which initial medium of instruction was the Kadazan/Dusun Language, was actually one of three Kadazan/Dusun schools willfully established by like visionaries. Coincidently, all the three schools were built in the Penampang District. All three schools were later absorbed into the mainstream educational institution of modern times.He said that he had also teamed up with the then Tambunan community pressure group in asking the colonial Government of the time to initiate the construction of the Penampang-Tambunan Road. Later, when the Penampang-Tambunan earth road was initially constructed, he found himself a successful player in that he managed to obtain contract work portions in making the earth road.In later years, as the Ketua Kampung of Kampung Babagon and other kampungs surrounding and as the founder Branch Chairman of the political party that he belonged, he was selected to stand as an UNKO candidate against a PASOK MOMOGUN candidate in the first-ever direct election for the members of the Kota Kinabalu Rural District Council, in Penampang. He won and he occupied the seat in the Council for many years. As a Councilor he found himself talking for the less privileged areas of the Penampang District, the like of Kampung Babagon, Kampung Tampasak, Kampung Kolosunan, kampungs along the Penampang-Tambunan Road, up to Mile 32, to kampungs all the way downhill to Kampung Longkogungan, Kampung Buayan, Kampung Terian, Kampung Timpango (Babagon), Kampung Tintap and Kampung Manansawong, to mention but the major kampungs only. He, in stages, requested for a school built in the then Kampung Tampasak, Kampung Moyog, Kampung Terian, Kampung Buayan and Kampung Longkogungan. The establishments of those schools were realized during his tenure as the elected Councilor of the KKRD Council, later named the Penampang District Council. He had also requested a school built in Kampung Togudon, That school was only realized much later when the school in Kampung Tampasak was closed down due to the displacement effect of the Babagon Dam. The established school name was literally transferred to Kampung Togudon.During the BERJAYA Government, KK Emmanuel Tangit Kinajil was promoted to become a Ketua Anak Negeri for the Penampang Native Court. He performed the many disciplines of the work of a Ketua Anak Negeri in team with other Ketua Anak Negeri and yet under the overview of a District Chief until he attained the compulsory retirement age.He is presently doing his 94th year and attaining his 95 in October, 2011.