Sunday, November 1, 2009


Big sister presented father a birthday cake.
Why should she help father blow the candles?
Geni, the hidden wonder maker of some sort, unwittingly reminded me that the old man was turning 93 in a couple of days time. Consciously rather than otherwise, I mentioned my computer find to big sister DSP. We exchanged a few SMSes and finalized that the-what-should-be, should be on. On Thursday a short SMS was composed and sent to eight household heads, his children who reside further away from Kampung Babagon. Sister Colette was the first positive respondent. Apart from Big Sister herself, there were two others who positively responded much later. The rest of the invitees did not bother to acknowledge the simple SMS because, as confided, they could not for they didn't know how! Friday evening was simply a perfect evening for any indoors or outdoors activities. Everyone was in before 8.00 p.m.. Everyone wished their father "Happy Birthday"

1 comment:

Borneo rain said...

happy birthday papatua!